November 4 Old Coots End of Season Breakfast Meeting Minutes

A dedication of the memorial stones for Dale Bates and Dale Eis was performed at approximately 9am ajacient to the putting green. Dave Makidon, Terry Bushay and Dan Kees said a few words about their memories of Dale Bates and Dale Eis. Jackie Eis recalled how much Dale enjoyed the Old Coots League. Dave Baker read some appropriate scripture before concluding the dedication.

The members moved to the Ballroom and the the meeting was called to order by Dave Makidon at approximately 9:10AM.

Dave Baker gave the opening prayer which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dave recognized Loren for his help during the year and Roger Hill for his years of service to the Old Coots.

Dave then recognized the great work of the golf maintenance crew.

Don Vander Horn recapped the league play and gave details about the number of rounds played and the number of golfers throughout the year. We discussed the play of the back 9 and the majority of the members were in favor of playing the back 9 twice a month next year. Since we did not play the 9 hole Executive course this year due to Covid, we asked if we should play there next year. There was no desire to do that. Don asked members that did not receive an email about the canceled play two weeks ago to check with him after the meeting to ensure that we have a good email address for them. The new members this year were recognized and asked to stand and introduce themselves.

Joe Zerby then gave a treasurers report. Members were informed that next year's yearly fee would be $10 and were asked to pay that in an envelope with their name next year so we would be able to better track who has paid. Joe the recognized the over 80 golfers.

Dave then informed the members that the memorial stones would be moved to ajacient to the #1 tee box. This will provide more area for expansion and also prevent carts and other vehicles from driving over the stones. Ray Klages informed us that this move s planned for Spring. At that time we send out an email requesting help from members. Dave informed the members about the passing of George Jankowski and asked for donations for a memorial stone. He also informed the members that there was a tip jar for the breakfast.

We asked if there was interest in having a fun day followed by a lunch and the response was positive. The approximate date for the fun day was set for July 21. The members were reminded that the Old Coots League 2022 season opening breakfast would be March 31 and the 2022 season ending breakfast would be November 3. The first date of league play will be April 7 with the last date of league play being October 29.

The members were told that there was a sleeve of golf balls for all attendees as they left the meeting.

At approximately 9:45, the meeting was adjourned.


Don Vander Horn